Title: Damned (Damned #1)
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Genre: Novel, Contemporary
Page Count: 256
Publisher: Doubleday Canada
Release Date: October 18th 2011
My Rating: ★★★★☆
This was the novel that got me into a Chuck Palahniuk book coma so to speak. "Damned" was pusblished in 2011 and the sequel, "Doomed" was published in 2013. Rewriting the rules, by having a witty young dead 13 year old girl narrate from Hell. This particular novel is filled with surprises and twists. If you have a hard time imagining the concept of Hell, this little girl named Madison Spencer will help clarify it for you as she searches for answers herself. There was many times I cringed or had to stop to literally reread and make sure I had read correctly. There was also a couple of chapters that were a little slower then the rest, but over all I highly recommend this book (unless you're super religious, close-minded, or judgmental). "I am the Lizard King!"
Highlights and Thoughts:
- I love the way telemarketing and Hell were inter-weaved.
- Candy as currency is rather genius, especially since Halloween is noted as the "one day the dead can come back and walk among the living."
- The "geography" in Hell is nailed in description, you could almost draw a map.
- You'll love the main character, as she uses big words and then notes how she does in fact have a vocabulary despite her age and being dead. She's also comparative in a life and death sense, trying to be informative.
- Wasn't completely captured by the ending, but still left me wanting to read the second book!
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